October: Month of scares if you so dare!

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Welcome film fans to the scary month of October! We associate different months with different things depending on our lives and the things we do, but October seems to be a time when it gets darker sooner, the cold starts to creep in and scary movies are upon us as we approach Halloween.

One of the thrills sure to be had this October is the Toronto After Dark Film Festival (in Toronto, October 19-25/07). I am thrilled to be attending this year and I will be sending you daily updates during the festival.

To get us warmed up for that, or chilled depending on your preference, I've got a bucketload of scary film reviews planned the first of which is already up: Resident Evil: Extinction. Many, many more to come so stay tuned!

If you have your own list of favourite scary films, I'd suggest you head on over to Ed Hardy, Jr site Shoot the Projectionist and participate in his The 31 Flicks That Give You the Willies. Make sure to get those lists in by Oct 13, 2007! I've already submitted my list (many of which are on my Scariest Movies of all Time list) and I am very much looking forward to hearing the films that freak out other people!

And I thought nothing could top Sept 07, but with all this fun stuff going on I think the days just keep getting better.

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