Hot Docs 08 Day 11 - Sunday April 27/08


Here we are at the final day of Hot Docs, although it isn't a 'we' for me with the TTC Strike continuing until late afternoon/early evening today so I decided to forgo 40+ minute walks or cab rides to get out to the festival and instead I will look back fondly at one a film I caught an early screening of and share it with you now.

All Together Now
Dir: Adrian Wills

Upon hearing the project that this documentary follows, a Cirque du Soleil production based on the music of The Beatles entitled "LOVE". Just thinking about this concept I wondered "How could this not rock?". Turns out to be a rhetorical question because it does rock, and rocks a lot the more you are interested in Cirque, The Beatles and the creative process. It isn't a seamless process as no project of this scale could be and it tactfully shows different points of view from vast array of people involved and invested in the project. The artistic content and vision is so grand that watching the film feels somewhere in between being a fly on the wall and a kid in a candy store. Either way, it is a joy to watch. A real treat.

Hot Docs runs from April 17-27/08 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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