Chrisse Chau Sau Na

Jaycee Chan (Fong Cho Ming), Fiona Sit Hoi Kei
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The Jaycee Chan (Fong Cho Ming) and Fiona Sit Hoi Kei starred BREAK UP CLUB (FUN SAU SHUET OI NEI) two nights ago held its premiere in Tsim Sha Tsui. The film's director Barbara Wong Chun Chun, producer Lawrence Cheng Tan Shui, Patrick Tang Kin Won, Elanne Kong Yuek Lam, Chrissie Chau Sau Na, Roy Chow Wing Hung, Yu Chiu Chung Yu, Lam Ka Tung all attended. Did Fiona feel awkward to see Cho Ming? She asked why and reporters explained about reports that they have already broken up. Fiona said, "Thank you for helping this movie for me, we are friends so we won't be awkward." She revealed that because Cho Ming went to Taiwan for awhile, they chatted via MSN. Did she ask Cho Ming about being caught with a girl on the streets? Fiona said that she did not. "I feel this is someone else's personal life. If I was caught, Cho Ming wouldn't ask me either." She stressed that because they both were artists they understood gossips. Would she ask Cho Ming to check out a new boyfriend? Fiona said, "I wouldn't deliberately, when we see each other then we see each other. I feel dating is personal so I wouldn't talk about it all over the place. Ultimately I just keep it natural." Speaking of BREAK UP CLUB being along the same vain as their relationship, Fiona stated again that she and Cho Ming never dated so how could they break up. When asked whether their couple relationship made the shoot easier, Fiona again said, "I already said we aren't a couple, but during the shoot we were very involved because the film's life sense is very strong."

Cho Ming revealed that over half a year he ate a lot on the streets of Taiwan so he was very happy. Was his joy due to a stable relationship? He said, "No, but I know Fiona turned Cho Nam into my name, so my new name should be 'Fong Cho Nam'." Cho Ming also deliberately changed the subject and revealed that in the middle of the month he will release a new record in Taiwan but was troubled with looking a music video female lead. He did not want to ask Fiona since they have worked together so many times already. "I am afraid of the audience would get bored from watching." As for Zhou Xun, he joked that he was afraid she would be more popular than his song.

As for earlier Cho Ming introducing Zhou Xun to a Mainland rich kid but the relationship very quickly vanished, did Cho Ming console Zhou Xun? "She is pretty OK, actually I know them both. (Does Zhou Xun have a new romance?) I don't know, let me ask her later." Will he be a matchmaker again? He indirectly admitted that he introduced Zhou Xun to her old flame. "I didn't deliberately play matchmaker, it was accidental." His father Jackie Chan's birthday is coming up. How would he celebrate? He said that he will give his new record as a gift because his father was his fan. He too was a fan of his father's movies, thus he would like the chance to play a role in a Jackie Chan movie.

Chau Sau Na lately has been active in the film industry. Speaking of the model who made the most movies, she stressed that everyone's developments were different. The company knew she liked to make movies so it took roles for her. She too would like to try different characters. Would she consider any nude category III performance? "For now I wouldn't but I can accept category III with foul language." What subject would she object to? "I can't say with certainty what I won't make because I want to try a lot of things. I have to read the script before making any decision." Kong Yuek Lam revealed that later she will work on a costume series and she has been working hard on slimming down her face. Will she use Botox? "No, I swear I won't! I know too many injections will make the facial muscles stiff. I don't want to be unable to smile in the future. I would rather suffer a little than 'taking short cuts'!"

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