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Popular Taiwan idols Ethan Ruan (Yuen King Tin) and Mark Chao (Chi Yau Ting) came to Hong Kong for three days to promote their film MONGA. Yesterday they attended an event along with director Niu Chen-Zer and played games with fans. Siu Tin and Chiu Yau Ting even personally stuck fake tattoos on fans. With a tattoo on his waist Siu Tin expressed that he so far has not considered any "love tattoo" with his girlfriend's name. Perhaps in the future when he will have a family and child he will consider it.

The trio even signed autographs on posters for 300 fans and talked about the production. Two days ago Chiu Yau Ting forced Siu Tin to dance solo at an event; yesterday Chiu Yau Ting promised Siu Tin that he would not play any prank on him again, but the director did instead as Siu Tin helplessly had to perform a electrocution dance again. He also taught fans to speak Taiwanese and helped fans with fake tattoos.

Later, Siu Tin explained the "electrocution dance". He said that one day on the set, he accidentally came in contact with a power line and was electrocuted. The director saw his strange movement and yelled at him for creating his own dance steps. Was he hurt? He expressed that he was not but when electrocuted he could not move his hand. Later he felt very confused but did not faint. Did he constantly electrocute his fans? He joked that it was mutual electrocution. As for tattooing fans, did he think about getting another one? He felt that as he grew older, he felt that a tattoo should have a meaning. When he got the one on his waist, it was to remind him how tough it was when he first started. Would he tattoo his girlfriend's name? He expressed that he would not. Was he afraid that with any future break up it would be awkward? He responded, "No!" He explained that his girlfriend's English name was Tiffany, which was also a brand name. A tattoo of that would be a little strange. In addition tattoos might be inconvenient for film productions. He might wait until he had a family and child before getting another. He also said that he would choose another unseen spot for it, maybe his rear or inner arm. He said, "Tattoos had to hurt to have feeling, only the pain would bring up that meaning again." Siu Tin this time sang the film theme song. Earlier he also said an advertising jingle. Will he release a record? He expressed that he has already made the preparation and had to be responsible for people who liked him. He did not want to release a record that no one thought sounded good and became a swindler organization.

Chiu Yau Ting said that he originally agreed not to play a prank on him, but finally the director forced him to dance. Chiu Yau Ting in the film had more screen time than Siu Ting, but this time Siu Tin stole the show. Chiu Yau Ting did not mind because he just started two years ago. He would like to develop slowly so everyone could know him more. He also said that Siu Tin's fans liked him too as they were like a family.

In addition, the director expressed that although this Hong Kong promotion was somewhat tiring, he was happy that the audience gave good reviews. Two nights ago he treated the cast and crew to dinner and they all got drunk. will he make a sequel? The director expressed that he would not just to make money. He also planned to make his next movie, a romantic comedy that he will approach Siu Tin and Chiu Yau Ting to perform. As for the female lead, he would like to ask Zhou Xun or Shu Qi but he has not begun negotiation yet. Was he afraid that SIu Tin and Chiu Yau Ting would fight for the female lead? He joked, "No I am not, the female lead is mine."

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