Roy Chow Wing Hung

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Fiona Sit Hoi Kei, Jaycee Chan (Fong Cho Ming)
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Jaycee Chan (Fong Cho Ming) and Fiona Sit Hoi Kei again worked on a movie together. Yesterday Cho Ming appeared on a radio interview and said that this time he felt he and Fiona have matured a lot. In the film they had many intimate scenes and very nauseating dialogues. For example Cho Ming had to lovingly tell Fiona "I love you". Cho Ming honestly said that he was very afraid of saying "I love you" and believed that he would not say it before he turned 30. When he was 17 and in his first relationship, he said "I love you" to his girlfriend; but she said that if he was not for real then he should not say it. At the time he did not know how to respond.

Cho Ming expressed that aside from the love for his family he had no idea what love was. Because relationships could break up, marriage could end in divorce, he was very careful with who he said "I love you" to. Earlier he was mistaken for Fiona's boyfriend, Cho Ming pointed out that he would not saying it as carelessly as she did. Did he introduce his girlfriend to friends? Cho Ming honestly said that he was very scared of failure, he pointed out that he has been hurt before. Thus he was afraid that people would affirm his identity. He remembered a girlfriend who always went very far away to talk on the phone. He pretended to be gracious and ignored it. Later she returned to her former boyfriend.

Has he dated after getting into the business? Cho Ming honestly said that he has and even said that she was a nice girl. Yet because he was in Hong Kong and she was elsewhere, the relationship was hard to maintain. Did he feel a girlfriend was hard to find in the circle? Cho Ming honestly said it was. He was afraid that his girlfriend would kiss someone else in music videos, he joked that his heart was not strong enough. "The one who I dated in the business, she did whatever I asked. She was great, but I didn't want to waste her time so we broke up. Later I wrote a song called 'THE BEST YOU' for her."

In addition, Roy Chow Wing Hung yesterday appeared on a radio interview. He revealed that in June he will release his new record. Will he write a song for his baby? He pointed out that he used to imagine the baby to be a girl and has already written a song for her. Now he knows that the baby will very likely be a girl. He originally wanted to fund this record himself. Later Filmko boss supported him and his production, later he will arrange him to act. He was very happy.

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