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Kara Hui (Wai Ying Hung) earlier advertised for a beauty salon yesterday attended a health food promotion. Reporters congratulated her on her busy schedule. She said that this job was taken seven months ago, only that she never had time to work on the advertising magazine. The day after tomorrow she will take a day off so she will be at her best for the Hong Kong Film Awards.

Siu Hung was considered the Best Actress favorite. She happily said, "I never thought about it, when my name is called then I go to the stage. If not then I sit in the audience. When my name is called then I have another celebration to attend. If not then I would only go to the event celebration." Siu Hung said that if she will truly win, she will continue to celebrate with hot pot casseroles. Meg Lam Kin Ming would move her the most. Although Lam Kin Ming will stay at home and watch the live television broadcast, but if she will be announced the winner then she will dress up and go to the hot pot casserole place to congratulate her. Siu Hung said, "I already told my friends, if my name will be called, then they should go directly to the hot pot casserole place. (Did you make a reservation?) Not yet! I believe they will definitely find me some place if I go." As for fellow Hong Kong Film Award Best Actress Vicki Zhao Wei was rumored to have given birth to a daughter, Siu Hung said that if it is true then she would be happy for her because it was the most important for a woman to find a good home. Francis Ng Chun Yu was fined HK$10,000 for his assault case. Siu Hung expressed that she played his sister in CRAZY N THE CITY (SUN GAING HUP NUI) and thought he was mild mannered and even tempered. She said, "At the time maybe he wanted to protect his wife. His intention was good but actually did something wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, hopefully he won't be labeled."

Siu Hung regretted that she will not be able to watch A FISTFUL OF STANCES (TEET MA CHUM KIU) finale with the rest of the cast. She hoped that she would double the pleasure with both the Hong Kong Film Award and good rating for her show. Siu Hung also praised producer Lee Tim Sing's great leadership. She said that Brother Tim after making ROSY BUSINESS 2
(GUN GOK HIU HUNG 2) would make one more series then retire. Siu Hung would like to take a role. If she wins the Hong Kong Film Award, she would thank the TVB artist department because Elaine Lok Yi Ling asked her to return to TVB. She sighed, "Help in the hour of need is very important."

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