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The often considered sexy JJ Jia (Ga Hiu Sun) in the film SHORT OF LOVE (NGAI JAI DOR CHING) plays a masseuse. JJ expresses that at first she reflected to the director that she did not want to play the role as she was afraid that the audience would typecast her as only selling sex and beauty. Yet at the same time she was afraid that she would be misunderstood as being picky with her roles. JJ frankly says that outside criticism of her is tough and she has cried over it; but now she tries not to think about it and only wants to work hard to do a goodjob.

JJ this time in the film has many scenes with Wong Cho Nam. Speaking of working with Cho Nam who came from an academia background, JJ expresses that she has learned a lot from Cho Nam. Seen as a "flower vase", JJ actually has studied drama for a year and a half in Jinan. Although the Mainland and Hong Kong cultures are different, on the set the education comes in handy sometimes. JJ in 06 made her first film in Beijing already, but in Hong Kong she was only known for BEAUTIFUL COOKING. She said, "I am already used to it, many people still think this is my first movie." She honestly says that when she came to Hong Kong at first she wanted to make movies. She never guessed that she would be on a game show. She says that she thought about quitting but gradually understood that the audience knew her from the game show.

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