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This year's Shanghai Film Festival had a "neurotic laughter". The Huayi Brothers release "09's funniest wuxia film" TRACING SHADOW (JUI YING) held a press conference on the 15th in Shanghai. The films' Mak Chi Sin, Francis Ng Chun Yu, Pace Wu (Ng Pui Chi), Xie Na, Jaycee Chan (Fong Cho Ming), Dang ?han all appeared. The film's director and star Ng Chun yu expressed that as a costume comedy, TRACING SHADOW had super strong "effects". It not only had a RAIDER OF THE LOST ARK style story but also can make viewers scream "very cool, very strong".
Although the earlier announced fur costumes and funny segments already gave people a deep impression of this film's comedy charm, today's first decoding trailer. In the opening several shadows flew over the Forbidden City, a mountain "Jackie Chan", "Jet Li", "Andy Lau" and even a group of "Jay Chou" appeared. The funniest in the film had to be Fong Cho Ming. Playing a bully he not only fully exceeded KUNG FU HUSTLE landlady Yuen Qiu's image and even showed off his impersonation knack as he performed with fluent Northeastern accent "Little Shenyang possession". Fong Cho Ming said that although it was not his first costume film he wasa total mess when he played a thoroughly comic character. To strengthen the "comic result", Fong Cho Ming in the film personally performed all ofthe film's comedy and lines. Reportedly Fong Cho Ming and Little Shenyang had a decent relationship. TRACING SHADOW's July 30 national premiere host will be Little Shenyang. In comparison to Fong Cho Ming, Ng Chun Yu who appeared in the film yawning, Ng Pui Chi who said in a "girlie voice" "I want", and Xie Na who pointed at her nose while reasoning should not be overlooked either.
Although TRACING SHADOW like THE MESSAGE had a director duo, Ng Chun Yu and Mak Chi Sin's alliance as more "neurotic" than Chen Kuofu and Gao Qunshu's. Ng Chun Yu explained, "I would communicate with actors from afar by yelling because it saves more time. Getting closer then speaking would only take more time from the movie." Ng Pui Chi said, "The director's neurosis is different from others. He never has to sleep or eat. Once he worked for over 30 hours without eating." To coordinate with the "treasure hunt" theme, the team also conducted a chemistry test. Finally Ng Chun Yu and Ng Pui Chi had the most chemistry. During the game, Fong Cho Ming and Xie Na exposed each other's secrets and even the rumor that "Xie Na is Cho Ming's rumored girlfriend". Xie Na at a moment's rage punched Fong Cho Ming.
Xie Na was also exposed for wearing six or seven layers of clothes to avoid accidental exposure. Xie Na wanted to say, "The director wanted to shoot my bones but the costume was too thin." She said chest instead and Chun Yu joked, "Why would I shoot your chest? You wear so much that I don't even know where your chest is!" Xie Na chased after Chun Yu to hit him as well.

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