TIFF'09: Selections for Year of the Carnivore Introduction and Q&A

The following video clips are from the introduction and Q&A for the screening of Year of the Carnivore with writer/director Sook-Yin Lee, cast & crew on Saturday September 12, 2009 at the Toronto International Film Festival. See my review of Year of the Carnivore here.

Please note that several of the vids are very dark as only house lights were up during the Intro and Q&A.

Writer/director Sook-Yin Lee introduces the film along with producers Jennifer Weiss, Trish Dolman and Simone Urdl:

Q&A response to the significance of the title of the film:

Q&A response discussing the editing process:

The Toronto International Film Festival ran from September 10 - 19, 2009 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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