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The John Woo (Ng Yu Sum) produced, Media Asia's over 100 million investment, Michelle Yeoh (Yeung Chi King) and Korean star Jung Woo-Sung starred new film GIM YU GONG WU (SWORD RAIN RIVER LAKE) has wrapped up its Shanghai production and recently moved to Hengdian. Yeung Chi King in the film played a cloth merchant who was once a top killer. In the film she had a dozen or so colorful costumes. This time she also had many action scenes. With Stephen Tung Wai's demanding "wire" designs, before the shoot she already got herself into shape to avoid any injury during the shoot.

In recently years Yeung Chi King mainly made Hollywood films. This time she worked with real gong fu and not rely on special effects, which gave her a sense of satisfaction. Although she and Jung Woo-Sung played a couple, they did not have any bed scene. Instead they had fight scenes, which disappointed her. She also asked the director to add bed scenes, Jung Woo-Sung joked that if the director did not, they would just add it themselves.

Yeung Chi King pointed out that many friends after learning that she was working with Jung Woo-Sung asked to visit the set and when they arrived asked whether the male lead was present. She praised him as a great actor who is very smart and has a knack for languages. He also trained harder than she did. Jung Woo-Sung understood Putonghua and during interviews spoke Putonghua to reporters. This was his first Chinese film and he was very honored to be able to work with Yeung Chi King. As for Yeung Chi King's praise of his language abilities, he joked that he just guessed because Putonghua and Korean had some similar pronunciations. He also said that this film's action was different from Korean films and was more difficult.

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