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Petrina Fung Bo Bo along with seven friends got together and bought 339 tickets for 80 seniors in Hong Kong Eastern and Western Districts as well as some post 80 young people to watch the Alex Law Kai Yui directed ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW (SHUI YUET SUN TAU) together. Then some seniors even had tea at the Boy Scout Headquarter to communicate and converse with a group of post 80 young people.

Bo Bo this time returned from Malaysia and spent only six days to plan this gathering between generations. Why did she start this event? She said, "I thought the movie was great, I already saw it four times and today was my fifth. My two sons also thought it was great. The film can be the subject of communication between two generations." Bo Bo pointed out that nowadays many post 80s have many complaints. This opportunity enabled them to communicate and share with a group of seniors so they could understand feelings of the two generations. Bo Bo not only put up the money but also chatted yesterday morning personally with the seniors at the senior center. She said, "These post 30 seniors speak with a country accent, they feel very familiar. (Do you constantly visit seniors?) I instead like to chat with students. When two generations connect it is the best, the world gets much bigger." Bo Bo also thanked St. James' Settlement for contacting the seniors and providing transportation as well as volunteers to take care of the seniors. The Boy Scout Headquarters yesterday also assigned 40 boy scouts to maintain order and take care of the seniors. The organizations also provided a 200 person occupancy auditorium for their tea and sponsored the seniors' tea.

In addition, ECHOES' Araif Lee Chi Ting yesterday along with Law Kai Yui attended another advanced screening at the same cinema. Did the film's success in Berlin add to his confidence for his Hong Kong Film Award New Actor nomination? He expressed that he would not think about
other things but admitted that he had many more fans, especially a 7 or 8 year old fans in Berlin. He was truly touched. He said, "I never imagined foreigners could feel so deeply about such a local film, maybe it's like Brother Wa (Simon Yam Tat Wa) says, humanity has no border."

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