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Leon Lai Ming, Richie Jen (Yam Yin Chai), Michelle Ye (Yip Shuen), Wilfred Lau Ho Lung, Charles Ying Cheung Yau and other actors of FIRE OF CONSCIENCE (FOR LUNG) along with director Dante Lam Chiu Yin attended the film's music video premiere. Because it was Leon's second wedding anniversary, after the event he left in a hurry.

The leads Siu Chai and Lai Ming host the "fire dragon" eye dotting ceremony and the film's music video was aired. They talked about their production experience. Lai Ming was full of facial hair in the film, the host asked whether Lai Ming was jealous that Siu Chai did not have to wear a fake beard. Leon said, "I wasn't jealous of him, each person drew a different straw. This depends on destiny!" Lai Ming later revealed that he did not know which part of which animal did the fake beard came from. He joked, "I feel it's a hippopotamus, I heard the beard came from a certain part of a hippo!" Siu Chai said, "When Leon was getting his beard glued I often ate in front of him." Leon after a group photo bid his co-stars farewell and rushed out.

Speaking of Lai Ming's anniversary, Lam Chiu Yin said, "I don't know! I have to let him go, at this hour people have to get ready for dinner!" Reporters said that Lai Ming and Siu Chai at the afternoon press conference claimed that he had violent tendency and no mercy, Director Lam said, "I don't know! I have to properly examine that." Lam Chiu Yin also said that the film had a Mainland actress' birthing scene and Lau Ho Lung's hand loss scene, which almost made the film a category III film. He said, "Maybe they upset some viewers, the Hong Kong version cuts a little but the Mainland version cuts everything."

Siu Chai said that every time Lai Ming put on his beard he would stare at him. He also said that someone claimed Leon's fake beard came around the hippo's organ. He said, "We immediately asked Lai Ming whether it had a scent! (Does he know it is a hippo?) I don't know which part, but the beard is a little curly. It's very real!" As for Lai Ming's second anniversary, Siu Chai said, "I don't know! We would call each other, I am not at liberty to discuss it!" How would Siu Chai celebrate anniversary or birthday? Siu Chai said that he did not remember. "My assistant reminds me of birthday and such, I would forget them. However March 14 is when I met my wife, I don't know how we will celebrate. I will be working on (Johnnie) To Kei Fung's film then. Right now I am working on four units of movies, I can be considered Jen Four Units!" Will he plan to propose as a gift, he said, "Actually I haven't thought about a gift yet, I will put an effort into it!"

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