courtesy of

Eason Chan

Kay Tse On Kay stayed warm

Hacken Lee Hak Kun sighed with all the storms in music, all he could do was sing well to thank the fans

Jade Kwan Sum Yin shed tears of joy

Ellan Koon Yun Na

Justin Lo (Juk Tin) again mentioned his departure from Hong Kong for his career

Yoga Lin and G.E.M.
courtesy of

Eason Chan Yik Shun

Fung Tim Chi, Dai Man Kin, Ng Yu, Cheung Man Sun
courtesy of

The Radio and Television Hong Kong organized 33rd Top Ten Chinese Gold Song Award took place last night in Shatin. Because Emperor and East Asia's boycott, Universal became the big winner with 16 awards. However the two companies still received many awards, with five for
Emperor and six for East Asia.

As for singers, Eason Chan Yik Shun with seven awards was the big winner. The absent Sammi Cheng Sau Man and Joey Yung Cho Yi, Kay Tse On Kay and Khalil Fang Datong each received three. Eason and Cheng Sau Man even won the RTHK created Media Recommended singer awards. Eason even won Media Recommended song.

Eason who frequently went to the stage thanked the singers in the audience for their supportive looks, which he thought was very rare. He also hoped that no one would be bored with his frequent stage visits. He remembered once he went to see the circus with Wyman Wong Wai Man. In it every segment could not be done alone and required at least two people. Thus he said to him, "Teamwork is beautiful!" A song also required many people's participation to be able to have everyone's recognition and admiration. Thus he had to thank everyone on behalf of these behind the scene heroes for the recognition. When he picked the final award on the stage, Eason honestly said, "I don't have anything I want to say, just do it! I feel no matter which award it is it is an encouragement. The older I get the more sensitive I get. I hope the music scene can continue to blossom because ultimately the listeners benefit. Sister Mui (Anita Mui Yim Fong) once said to me, answering to fans is the most important. You have to appreciate your fans. This is very important. This award belongs to everyone!"

As for the escalation of music boycotts, last night many DJs took jabs at related companies like TVB, Metro, Emperor and East Asia. DJ Cuson Law Kai Sun said, "RTHK says fair, but the problem is how to handle the award? Express delivery or leaving an empty chair is useless. Suddenly TVB says it's not broadcasting. Then reportedly chiefs of two giants are dining at the Peninsula? Actually I don't have two major and you don't have four major, why don't we broadcast together so every viewers can watch; at those award shows singers seem to know in advance that they won but still looked upset. Who told them to wait so long? Fairness is in
the hearts of people, everyone definitely know."

Later CRAZY AND HAPPY hosts Spencer Leung Sze Ho, Tsang Chi Ho and Kwai Fa Tin even joked that interviewing singers now seemed unsuitable for children because certain stations in order to keep other people from appearing on camera blocked them out. They even joked with Hin Jai. "Hin Jai you have to be good! Although you and (Ivana) Wong Yuen Chi are very familiar, don't stand too close. Otherwise she has to be blocked too!" Finally Leung Sze Ho even described with parental divorce how no matter adults fought, singers could only play the good children role. They could only sing good songs. When Hacken Lee Hak Kun accepted the gold song award, he sighed, "In the past year the music scene has many storms, singers really can't do much except singing their songs well. Singers let's work hard together in the same boat!" In addition, Golden Needle Award winner Sally Yeh (Yip Sin Man) braved the chill in a sexy look. The event even arranged for her good friend Chu Ling Ling to present the award to her. They embraced on the stage. Chu Ling Ling honestly said that she was very proud of this good friend.

The event took place outdoors with an estimated temperature of only six to seven degrees Celsius. Many singers came prepared. When they sat on the stage they often wrapped up in scarves or coats. Tse On Kay even appeared in a down hat and a down coat. The bravest were three model guest presenters Anke Bui On Kei, Ana R. and Jessica C. They appeared in short dresses but on the stage they often rubbed their hands to keep warm. G.E.M. Tang Chi Kei and Yoga Lin appeared in public for the first time together. The event even arranged for them to sit with one in front and one behind, but they had no exchange at all; another former rumored couple Chan Yik Shun and Tse On Kay had Hins Cheung King Hin between them.

Emperor and East Asia were upset that Radio and Television Hong Kong went back on its words and created a Media Recommended awards. They teamed up to boycott as their singers were prohibited from attended the event. Before the award ceremony began, Emperor executive Ng Yu appeared and posed for photos with two RTHK executives Dai Kin Man and Cheung Man Sun and IFPI chief Fung Tim Chi. As IFPI Hong Kong chief Ng Yu said that he was not representing Emperor but IFPI Hong Kong, so he did not feel awkward. In addition IFPI had many singers and he had to support them as well. Would he accept Emperor's awards? He honestly said that he would not because his identity yesterday had nothing to do with Emperor.

Ng Yu also honestly said that the Hong Kong music scene has been very seriously sick for many years and needed a few prescription. He also said, "Now the music scene has lost all direction, record sales have declined. I feel Hong Kong doesn't need two associations (IFPI and HKRIA)
but regrettably London IFPI headquarters accepted two. This created internal strife and admitted separation. I only feel it only makes matters worse. (Does your appearance represent a thawing from Emperor and RTHK?) I am friendly with the radio station so I came in support. (Will Emperor continue to boycott as long as RTHK continues to present the Media Award?) I don't know, ask Emperor." Although singers of both record companies were absent, the event still presented awards to their singers. When Yung Cho Yi and Ku Kui Ke won, no one accepted the award but the event played their songs.

Top Ten Gold Songs
DON'T FRIGHTEN LOVE (Sammi Cheng Sau Man)
TOURBILLON (Eason Chan Yik Shun)
ERA (Leo Ku Kui Ke)
DISFIGURED (Joey Yung Cho Yi)
SINNER (Hacken Lee Hak Kun)

Excellent Popular Mandarin Songs
Gold: LYING (Yoga Lin)
Silver: PLAY MUSIC (Khalil Fang Datong)
Bronze: FRAGILE (Kay Tse On Kay)

Most Potential New Comer
Gold: Sugar Club
Silver: JW
Bronze: C AllStar
Excellence: Benji & Lesley, Jinny Ng Yeuk Hei, Cindy Yen (Yuen Wing Lam),
Shinga Lin Si Nga

Most Improved of the Year
Gold: RubberBand
Silver: Ella Koon Yun Na
Bronze: Pakho Chau

CASH Best Creative Singer: Justin Lo (Juk Tin)

Highest Selling Singers of the Year
Male: Eason Chan Yik Shun
Female: Sammi Cheng Sau Man
Group: Mr.

National Best Chinese Song: DEADLINE (Hins Cheung King Hin)

National Best Singer
Male: Khalil Fang Datong
Female: Chris Lee Yuchun
Group: Soda Green

National Chinese Best Gold Song: TOURBILLON (Eason Chan Yik Shun)

Most Excellent Popular Singer
Male: Eason Chan Yik Shun
Female: Joey Yung Cho Yi

Media Recommendation
Male: Eason Chan Yik Shun
Female: Sammi Cheng Sau Man
Song: TOURBILLON (Eason Chan Yik Shun)

Golden Needle Award: Sally Yeh (Yip Sin Man)

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