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Andy Lau Tak Wa two nights ago at the 19th show of his concert series invited Rosamund Kwan Chi Lam as his guest. She not only sang but also appeared in a super sexy dress that dazzled even Wa Jai, which made her very happy.

Wa Jai said, "The influence of the media is truly amazing, I really thought I was going to marry her. Even I was fooled. My on screen other half Kwan Chi Lam....." Then Chi Chi appeared in a super sexy outfit and 12,000 viewers on hand roared. Wa Jai could not help but said, "Wow, wow......" Chi Chi joked, "Did you heart pound?" Then they embraced on stage, Chi Chi even jokingly asked Wa Jai if she rocked him. "In your 30 years, actually I occupied 10 of your years." Wa Jai said, "Actually we were a secret for 10 years, no one knew." Fans screamed they knew. "You? Were you hiding under my bed?" Earlier Wa Jai went to change when guests performed, but he gave Chi Chi special treatment two nights ago. Wa Jai held her hand to sing half a song with her. Wa Jai said, "I asked her to sing, she would rather die. Every viewer here please give her some encouragement......I will sing with him." Then Wa Jai truly made an exception and sang with her. They not only held hands but he also leaned on her shoulder. He
said, "It's like a wedding." Wa Jai after half a song went to change, but before leaving he asked the audience to support and cheer on Chi Chi. Chi Chi even rehearsed a day earlier than other guests.

Two nights ago Wa Jai also invited Michael Miu Kiu Wai, Felix Wong Yat Wa and Tong Chun Yip. Wa Jai said, "Once they walked through the highs and the lows with me......Guangdong Four Tigers". The brothers even took jabs at Wa Jai. First Brother Wa pointed at Wa Jai's pajamas and said, "You are quite dressed up! Wearing pajamas, no wonder tailors now don't make suits. Actually they went to make pajamas." Brother Three pointed at his own suit and said, "I wear this one to sleep!" Wa Jai struck back, "On 'ihole' (iPhone) and whatever blog (microblog) always see your chok look, now show everyone a chok look." Brother Three immediately complied. Brother Wa also followed suit and cracked up the audience. Brother Wa said, "Actually tonight we represent GUN METAL GREY (YING GAING) to investigate on the stage because we got information that here at the Hong Kong Coliseum for 19 nights in a row someone is harassing women....." Wa Jai said, "Women are harassing me!" Although his good friends messed around on stage, Wa Jai rather enjoyed the rare friendships and said, "Today you brought us a lot of memories, to be able to here altogether. Let's sing a song." Finally the four tigers said DAYS WE PASS TOGETHER. The entire audience sang along and reached an emotional peak.

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