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Carol Yeung Chi Yiu, Chrissie Chau Sau Na
courtesy of

Chrissie Chau Sau Na and Carol Yeung Chi Yiu's film MARRIAGE WITH A LIAR (FUN CHIN SI OI) after four weeks made 8 million. Yesterday they attended a celebration. Chau Sau Na said that when the box office breaks 10 million she will keep her promise and take a polar bear swim with Law Chung Him to celebrate. Director Patrick Kong (Yip Lim Sum) said that with the film's response he considered a sequel this year.

Chau Sau Na looked forward to the director asking her to be in the sequel because this time she had her fill of acting and fulfilled her desire to cheat. The film already had daring love scenes, would she have anything left to show in the sequel? She joked, "Hair! Hahaha!" Was she willing to lower her bottom line? She shook her head and said, "That's hard to say, last time we sat down and talked. Sexiness isn't important, the feeling is the most important."

Carol said that she did not heard any displeasure from the director about her, so she was confident that she would be in the sequel. She could take more sexy risks. She said, "I have to have self confidence first, I hope I will truly be able to do it." She also said that after her classmates saw the film they made fun of her teeth as the entire film's focus. Was her figure unable to steal the scene? She said, "Right, because I have a lot of close up shots. After hearing that, I really want to fix my teeth. However I wouldn't have plastic surgery because I am afraid of the pain."

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