BREAKING DAWN PART 1: Although the huge day-after-Thanksgiving take lifted everything in the multiplex, Breaking Dawn 1 continues to run behind New Moon by 10 percent.

THE MUPPETS: Still well under Tangled's Thanksgiving gross last year, but given its moderate cost, a solid hit.

HUGO:. It's per-theatre gross is almost identical to Muppets, although it's in one-third as many theatres. A downside of appealing to an older audience is that it didn't have the Friday punch of its fellow family movies, but that may also give it a longer boxoffice life.

ARTHUR CHRISTMAS:. Couldn't even beat Happy Feet Two's 2d Friday. Probably long gone by the time its titular holiday arrives.

HOLDOVERS: HAPPY FEET TWO itself is running dreadfully behind the original, with less than half the gross at its parallel time of release. (And that's with 3D this time around.) Everything else continues on its mostly grim track.

INDIES THE DESCENDANTS is having a more unusual release pattern than you'd think--mid-level platform runs mostly jump from a hundred or so theaters to more like 1000. Its likely $15K average for the weekend at 433 is very solid. MY WEEK WITH MARILYN is off to a tepid start with a $6500 weekend average in 244, and will need some Best Actress awards to move forward THE ARTIST, in only 4 theaters, is off to a great start with what should be close to a $55K average, and A DA GEROUS METHOD, also in 4, is right behind with around a $45K average. Both, however, have uncertain appeal outside big-city arthouses.

Stay with SHOWBUZZDAILY all weekend for updated BOXOFFICE and analysis!

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