Ticket Pick Up.... oh my.

Here are some pictures of the pick up line for TIFF this morning. I arrived at 9:30am, which was only 1/2 hr prior to them opening and I'll admit that isn't all that early. However I did not expect it to take 6 hours and 15 minutes between 2 line ups to get my tickets. There was a bit of a mix up in my order and just processing it took a long time, but the box office guy was truly lovely as we got my order sorted.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I really got a chance to chat with my fellow 'linemates' and the woman ahead of me called us. The initial pick up line took 1 1/2 hrs, and the exchange line although substancially shorter took 3 hours to get through from the back (At Yonge & Gerrard) to the box office. I kept saying to myself, and others, that my goal of the day was to leave with all 45 hard tickets. I happily can say that I did succeed. The likely sunburn and tired feet were not on my list today, but in the end it was worth it.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Upcoming tomorrow will be my finalizied list of film, including why I choose them.

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