Hot Docs 2009 Film Annoucement: Opening Night & Select Special Presentations

As we jump with glee on days where the temperature nudges about freezing, we know we are heading into festival season here in Toronto. But by the time Hot Docs hits in late April / early May it should be gorgeous out on the Toronto streets. Today we had a taste of what is to come with announcements of films including the Opening Night selection and select films from the Special Presentations Program.

Act of God from director Jennifer Baichwal (Manufactured Landscapes) will open the festival on Thursday, April 30, at the Winter Garden Theatre, 189 Yonge Street.

Festival Passes and Opening Night Gala tickets are currently available for purchase.
For more information on ticketing and box office check here on the Hot Docs website.

Opening Night Selection

Act of God
Dir: Jennifer Baichwal (Manufactured Landscapes)
The film explores stories and the metaphysical effects of being struck by lightning.

Special Presentations Program

Afghan Star
Dir: Havana Marking

American Idol-like singing comp set in Afghanistan.

Burma VJ - Reporting From a Closed Country
Dir: Anders Høgsbro Østergaard

Video journalists in Burma circa 2007. Wow.

El Olivido / Oblivion
Dir: D: Heddy Honigmann (Emoticons)
The Netherlands

Portrait on the people of Lima, Peru.

Dir: Helena Třetíková
Czech Republic

A 20 year study of René's ranging from jail to the politics in the Czech Republic.

Rough Aunties
Dir: Kim Longinotto

Women in Durban, South Africa bravely care for children left forgotten.

We Live in Public
Dir: Ondi Timoner

Imagine living in an underground bunker for 30 days? With this film you can see the 1999 experiment that did just that.

The Yes Men Fix the World
Dir: Andy Bichlbaum, Mike Bonanno and Kurt Engfehr

Hot Docs runs from April 30- May 10, 2009 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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