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The Michael Tse Tin Wa and Fala Chen have already completed the film LAUGHING GOR ji BIN JIT and have begun promoting the film. Yesterday they appeared together for an interview. Fala expressed that the film has been confirmed for an August 13 Hong Kong release and a premiere on the 10th. For her first film, she was not only nervous but also decided to dress up for the premiere. As for her boyfriend, she said, "I don't know, I would invite good friends and co-workers to see it. More support is a good thing."
Tin Wa said that each time he finished a job he would breath a sigh of relief and feel empty. Yet this time he did not have time to feel empty because he still had a big pile of promotion. Tin Wa said, "I first will go to Singapore to promote EMERGENCY UNIT, then I will go to Malaysia. If the Mainland inspection is approved, I will go to promote in Beijing and Guangzhou. I already took out my suitcase and am ready to go at anytime." Due to the Mainland and Hong Kong inspection differences, if the film will truly be released in the Mainland would the versions be different? He said, "They should be a little different because the subject ultimately is somewhat sensitive. Yet it won't be changed too much." He said that now the Mainland has an "import film" standard. If this film will be able to be imported to the Mainland, it will be exciting news to Hong Kong film. However his previous film series YOUNG AND DANGEROUS (GOO WAT JAI) was not released in the Mainland cinemas. Even though it was only released as underground video, it performed just as well. Sometimes when he went to remote places, people would call him "Dai Tin Yi" and surprised him.
This film was Tin Wa's lead, did he feel nervous? He said, "If I just started I would, but I have been in the business for so many years. I know that some things are unpredictable so I wouldn't think about them. Instead I would work hard on doing a good job, which would be better for the audience. The fact is Hong Kong show business truly could not be calculated. Many big productions did not receive proportional return, and anything you can calculate is not fun. I would accept everything in peace. (Would you promote it more on facebook?) I would tweet it a little and tell fans that Big Brother has a movie out and do something for Big Brother!"
Today is Tin Wa's birthday. He revealed that last night he dined with his family. Because he was so busy before he has not seen his family for a long time. If he did not see them soon they were afraid that they would forget what he looked like. As for birthday wish, he wished to be able to make more movies.

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