DIY Entertainment Club: Summer 2009

July 09 Selections

August 09 Selections

Yes, yes I know it's September but considering how freaking full the summer was was I didn't get to share either my July or August DIY Entertainment Club selections! Both months were collection builders for SciFi and Horror realms.


Battlestar Galactica Seasons 2.0 and 2.5
Ok, ok ... it isn't a movie. But I still love it. Of course now that it's all over they have a super spiffy complete series collection, but as I already had season one I decided to keep building in a season by season fashion. There was some crazy deal on this 2 for 1 set at the time so I went for it!

August was heavily inspired by the Vampathon, and therefore is all vampire films!

Dracula Legacy Collection
I had already seen Dracula (1931), and loved so it was natural to want to own it. But, the great thing about this collection is that it includes more that just that version. There is also the Spanish version of Dracula that was filmed at night, Dracula's Daughter, Son of Dracula and House of Dracula. Plus, a bunch of extras too.

Black Sunday
When researching vampire films this one came out of the woodwork as one I've never heard of. It's also called La maschera del demonio - sounds fun, eh? It's from 1960 and stars Barbara Steele and was recently shown in Toronto as a part of the Festival of Fear but sadly I missed it. Really looking forward to checking it out.

George A. Romero made a vampire film in 1977. That was all I needed to know! Can't wait to see it.

These titles are available on DVD at (Canada):

And on (US):

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