Poll Results: How Many Films Are You Planning to See at TIFF'09?

Wow, the numbers all over the place this poll with lots of ties. First place holds strong at 25% seeing 30-39 films, which many people I know do and it feels like a sweet spot of seeing a lot but not getting too burned out. A 3-way tie for second place goes to folks seeing 10-19 films, 1-4 films or 0 film (aww!). Next up is another 3-way for the heavier hitters going for 40-49 films, 20-29 films or 5-9 films. An no one picked 50+, the most challenging schedule which means you pretty much have to see midnight screenings and then come back at 9am the next day - that is too heavy even for me!

25% - 30 to 39
16% - 10 to 19
16% - 1 to 4
16% - 0
8% - 40 to 49
8% - 20 to 29
8% - 5 to 9
0% - 50+

Thanks for voting!

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