TIFF'09: Selections from The Wild Hunt Introduction and Q&A

The following video clips are from the introduction and Q&A for the screening of The Wild Hunt with director Alexandre Franchi and actor/co-writer Mark A. Krupa along with several cast members on Friday September 11, 2009 at the Toronto International Film Festival. See my review of The Wild Hunt here.

Please note that several of the vids are very dark as only house lights were up during the Q&A.

TIFF Programmer Jesse Wente introduces The Wild Hunt director Alexandre Franchi:

Co-writer and actor Mark A. Krupa responds to audience question about the title of the film as well as the anticipated reaction from LARPing Community:

Mark A. Krupa response to audience question on the if people play a different role in roleplaying than in their everyday life:

The Wild Hunt actors Kyle Gatehouse and Ricky Mabe discuss the experience of researching LARPing as well as filming on the LARPing site:

The Toronto International Film Festival ran from September 10 - 19, 2009 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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