Upcoming: Canadian Western Guns, Antichrist & Red Cliff Release Dates


One of the things I love about going to the movie theatre is looking for new posters, and the moment I saw the above poster for Gunless I was intrigued. A western, called Gunless. Starring Paul Gross. Can you get more Canadian? Yes, yes you can! It's written & directed by William Phillips (Foolproof, Treed Murray) and here's the story: "A hardened American gunslinger is repeatedly thwarted in his attempts to mount a showdown in a friendly town in Canada where no one seems to understand or appreciate the brutal code of the American Wild West." (source). I can't wait, but I'll have to - but only until March 2010. The teaser trailer shows a comedic edge for sure, but story reminds me of this Canadian Heritage Minute.
See more about Gunless on it's Official Website with teaser trailer and IMDb Page.

Closer around the corner we have several exciting release dates. The controversial Antichrist (dir: Lars von Trier) will hit Toronto on Friday November 13, 2009. The film stars Willem Dafoe (Daybreakers) and Charlotte Gainsbouroug who won Best Actress at Cannes 2009. See more at the Official Film Site or watch the trailer.

Looking for some action, historic-style? How about a John Woo film? Sounds good to me! Red Cliff / Chi ba hits theatres on Friday December 4, 2009 and stars Tony Leung, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Zhang Fengyi and Chang Chen. Check out the trailer to get a taste of this one.

A buzz at TIFF'08, in part for still being 'in process', New York, I Love You finally hits theatres here on November 27, 2009. To job your memory it's an omnibus film featuring shorts from directors Mira Nair, Natalie Portman, Brett Ratner, Fatih Akin & more. See more at the Official Film Site.

Film about theatre always gets my curiosity going, so hearing that Me & Orson Wells is coming to town on December 11, 2009 was good news. The film stars Zac Efron as a young actor participating in a production of Julius Ceasar directed by Orson Wells (Christian McKay). Add to that it's directed by Richard Linklater. I'm hooked! See the trailer at the official film site.

Looking for more upcoming movies? Check out the 2009 and 2010 Upcoming Film Release Lists

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