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Peter Ho Yun Tung in THE MONKEY KING (DAI LAU TIN GUNG) played Erlang Shen. In the recent month he has been working out with an old injury because he was worried that he was not strong enough in a fight with Donnie Yen Chi Tan, he might accidentally "die from one kick".

Ho Yun Tung said, "When I worked on television series costume martial art action scenes, most fights were more child's play. Some exchanges were simpler. Yet film's costume martial art action scenes are different, more or less they require some background. In particular when the opponent is a martial art master I can even slack off less. I can't be too fragile. Yet martial art is not something that can be learned over one or two days, so I can only get into shape first."

However, Ho Yun Tung suffered a basketball injury several months ago. The doctor even urged him not to work out excessively in half a year, otherwise recovery would be difficult. However with the new film on the way, he could not follow the doctor's order. Since last month he began to work out like mad. Originally he worked out three times a week, now he was much more frequent. Almost everyday no matter how late he worked he would run to the gym and work out at least for 2 hours. Even when he was working in more remote areas in China, he would still take an over 2 hour ride to a gym. Because his old wound has not completely heal, during his work out he would hurt. However Ho Yun Tung would tolerate it out.

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