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Cheung Yiu Wing gave Sing Sing an electronic keyboard to encourage his creativity

Siu Mei personally wrote lyrics for Sing Sing
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Aaron Kwok Fu Sing's 20th anniversary record NEVER ENDING LOVE yesterday was finally released. Sing Sing at the press conference thanked everyone who supported him over the years. His friends also gave him a keyboard and cake to congratulate Sing Sing.

Sing Sing revealed that originally she would not return until two nights ago, but because THE MONKEY KING (DAI LAU TIN GUNG) shoot was very successful he was able to return to Hong Kong early. It was a pleasant surprise for his mother. Sing Sing said, "She didn't think I would be back for Winter Solstice. I haven't been home for months, originally I wanted to go out and eat, but I didn't want to waste Mommy's soup. I added more dishes!" When asked whether he brought anyone home, Sing Sing at first said yes without thinking. Later he realized he misunderstood the question and said that he returned home with his sister.

In addition, Sing Sing will perform a concert in the second half of next year. Sing Sing helplessly said that because his film schedule has been booked until September or October, he had no way to perform a musical and could only perform a concert instead. Although he regretted that the musical had to be postponed, he still would continue to work toward that. Sing Sing revealed after the Christmas countdown he had to rush to Beijing for the movie because Chow Yun Fat was waiting for him. Speaking of his Bull Demon King costume and its lack of big nose and nose
ring, did he ask for that? Sing Sing said, "Of course not, we have tried different costumes. The image designs were all done by Hollywood designers. They didn't want to be like it was before. Actually I don't mind any costume."

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