Movie Moxie Podcast 19: TRON: Legacy & Gaming films as a Genre

This weeks episode is a little off the cuff as Shannon chats while wrapping presents so it’s a bit noisy and a bit sniffly as she share reaction to TRON: Legacy and discusses gaming films as a genre. Enjoy!

MP3 File

Show Notes
0:00 – 9:10 - Introduction
9:10 – 19:00 – Tron: Legacy Review
19:00 –45:30 – Gaming as a Genre
45:30 -46:00 No Trailer this Week
46:00 – 47:10 – DVD releases
47:10 – 49:00 – Upcoming up Next Week
49:00 – 50:45 – Outro

Show Notes
TRON: Legacy review
Checking in on 2010 Most Anticipated List

Gaming as a Genre Show Notes
Definition per Shannon: "Gaming films follow a gamer and/or gaming community or a film where the plot or setting is centred on gaming"

DnD/D&D: Dungeons and Dragons (paper based role playing game)
RPG: Role Playing Game
LARPing: Live Action Role Playing
MMORPGing: Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Gaming (aka WoW)
WoW: World of Warcraft

MMORPG's: Second Skin, Another Perfect World
LARPing: Darkon
D&D: The Dungeon Masters
Old School Arcade: King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Fictional Narrative Gaming Films
The Wild Hunt, Gamer, Mazes and Monsters & Cloak and Dagger

See list of all gaming films reviewed here.

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