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Carina Lau Ka Ling and Tony Leung Chiu Wai from dating to marriage have been together for over 20 years. A rare feat, they maintained the joys of life even after marriage. They would write love letters to each other, truly they are romantic.

Lau Ka Ling earlier promoted her Lunar New Year film ALL'S WELL ENDS WELL 2011 (JUI KEUNG HEI SI). Last year Ka Ling made a few films, only ALL'S was a comedy. She in the film even had four costumes. Not only was she a writer but she also dressed up as flight attendant and young odel, to Ka Ling they were all new attempts. Ka Ling pointed out that Lunar New Year films were all star ensembles and cheerful, she would not worry about how big her role was. Speaking of playing a young model, she honestly said that she expected that people would laugh. Has Wai Jai seen her young model look? She said, "He just swallowed it down, maybe he
didn't dare to laugh." Ka Ling pointed out that now she could accept anything.

However, Ka Ling honestly said that she did not know how to be funny. Yet she had the most scenes with just as raw in comedy Donnie Yen Chi Tan. On many occasions their rhythms were off, perhaps then they would be able to make the audience laugh! Speaking of Yen Chi Tan feeling that he was a comedy master, Ka Ling laughed. "Huh? If he is, then I am even more so." Ka Ling said that she admired Ge You and Stephen Chow Sing Chi very much. Their performance would make viewers laugh but they would not laugh.

Ka Ling this time in the film played a writer. She honestly said that she had a writing habit, all of them have been essays for emotional relief. She said that she absolutely would not publish an autobiography or a book. Did she write love letters to Wai Jai? She sweetly said, "Yes, I feel letters are very romantic. Between the words I can touch him. Wai Jai would write letters to me too. Over the years I have saved many letters."

Ka Ling pointed out that in general when she had something to say to Wai Jai she would write it in a letter then put it by the bed where Wai Jai would see. She said that she would properly preserve these letters and put them in a safe. In the future if Wai Jai did not fulfill his promises in the letters she would take them out as evidence. Has she put perfume or lipstick on the letter? She immediately said, "It's a secret, I am not telling." Ka Ling pointed out that sometimes letter writing would be thorough expression, perhaps the younger generation would not do so. She felt that text messages lacked emotions. Sometimes with closer friends she would call, as she felt that this was real caring.

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