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The Feng Xiaogang directed box office champion AFTER SHOCK will be released in Japan on March 26. Earlier he flew to Japan to promote. On the trip he not only met with Kobe mayor Tatsuo Yada but also visited the Kobe earthquake memorial and the Great Earthquake
museum, where he presented flowers and struck the bell in memory of the earthquake victims. Tatsuo Yada said that with natural disasters human nature is all the same. He and the people of Kobe looked very much forward to AFTER SHOCK's Japan release.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television film board chief Tong Gang announced that the 2010 the national city cinema total box office reached 10,172,000,000, a growth of 63.9% from 2009's 6,206,000,000. In this 10 billion box office, Feng Xiaogang's AFTER SHOCK and IF YOU ARE THE ONE 2 already made 1 billion. AFTER SHOCK created the 673 million RMB highest grossing national film box office record. However Feng Xiaogang stressed multiple times that he was a people's director who only made movies for the people of China. On this Japanese trip, 34 media outlets in Japan covered and reported him. The Japanese distribution company released 200 copies nationwide and invested US$3.5
million to promote it, a new high copy quantity for Chinese films in Japan and a sign of their confidence in the film.

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