CARNAGE: Watch It At Home - Polanski and All-Star Cast Miss the Bullseye
The trick about CARNAGE, which is based on the Tony Award-winning play God of Carnage by Yasmina Reza, is that despite its pedigree, and the big names usually associated with it, it's more of a game than a revelation. The story of a civilized pair of upper-middle-class urbanite couples who inevitably devolve, as the title implies, to a state of unruly barbarism, there's really no more to the story and theme than that; the pleasures of the work come from the clockwork precision with which the foursome's gears break down.
Roman Polanski's film version (he co-wrote the screenplay with Reza as well as directing), which showed this week at the AFI Film Festival before beginning its theatrical run on December 16, makes few substantive changes to the original work, apart from the not-inconsiderable insertion of a new beginning and ending. (Oddly, the movie also changes the names of the female characters and the children.) However, even though it delivers a fair share of entertainment and may well find a mainstream audience, Carnage never quite masters the tone needed to maximize the play's nasty fun.

A film like this, with few actors and minimal settings, is so focused that every creative decision is subject to an acid test; the gold standard is probably Mike Nichols' adaptation of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, a play to which God of Carnage certainly owes a great debt. That cast of Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, George Segal and Sandy Dennis were permanently etched into the history of their roles (Taylor and Dennis spent much of the rest of their careers playing variations of those parts), and the film made the reputations of Nichols and cinematographer Haskell Wexler.

There are other flaws. Polanski's decision to show the boys at the beginning and end leads to a far too pat conclusion. The editing choices, often breaking up the action for overly emphatic close-ups, hurt the rhythm of the performances. Although Dean Tavoularis' well-financed Brooklyn apartment design is impeccable, Pawel Edelman's digital photography is unimpressive.
Carnage is, despite these shortcomings, an entertaining, fluidly staged piece of work--and certainly brisk, at 80 minutes including full credits. It's always fun to watch classy actors fight tooth and nail, and whether or not they're perfectly cast, these four are fine company. The play was never a masterpiece to begin with, so it's not as though the potential for a classic was wasted here. Much like its characters, though, this Carnage doesn't manage to live up to its best possible self.
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