THE SKED: "Prime Suspect" Bites the Dust

When NBC announced its midseason schedule yesterday and PRIME SUSPECT was nowhere to be found, that was clearly bad news for a shaky show. Today came the confirmation: the show is officially dead.

Not a surprise, since even with aggressive promotion that included almost a full week of 10PM reruns, Prime Suspect never caught on with viewers, most recently hovering around a 1.2 rating in 18-49s (although similar numbers seem to have bought HARRY'S LAW a full-season pick-up). It's a shame, though, because the network spent several years trying to make a US version of the British classic work, and the caliber of talent involved, from star Maria Bello to pilot director/executive producer Peter Berg, was high.

WHITNEY lives, but Prime Suspect doesn't. Such is the way of TV...

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