And the hits keep on coming for the Academy: following Brett Ratner's hurried exit yesterday, Eddie Murphy has packed his host bag and left the building as well. This isn't a huge surprise, as Murphy was brought in by his
Tower Heist director in the first place (and
Heist isn't proving to be the career-comeback smash it was originally expectd to be), but it leaves the Oscars rudderless, with about 3 months to go before the telecast--which for a show of its magnitude is less time than you'd think.
So who should take over for Murphy? Take the safe road and return to a past host like Billy Crystal, Jon Stewart, Alec Baldwin and/or Steve Martin? Or take a chance with someone unexpected (George Clooney? Will Smith? The cast of Glee?). Since the Academy will have to choose its new producer and host in a hurry, and since last year's James Franco/Anne Hathaway experiment was widely seen as a disaster, the feeling here is to expect a choice that favors trustworthiness over excitement.
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