Poll Results: 2008 Was a ____ Year in Film

2008 was quite the year, and although there were tons of fantastic films the general feeling I got was that people had wanted more. The results of the poll confirm because it is almost neck in neck with:

Happy Folks: 40% (Awesome at 35% + Better Than Expected 5%)
Not So Happy Folks: 34% (Some Hits, Some Misses at 29% + Disappointing at 5%)
Rounding out with: 23% (Didn't see enough to have an opinion)

35% Awesome!
29% Some Hits, Some Misses
23% Didn't see enough to have an opinion
5% Better Than Expected
5% Disappointing

Let's hope 2009 either continues to rock or gets better for those were didn't think it was such a great year.

Thanks for voting!

Make sure to check out the new poll up at the sidebar to your right.

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