[2009.10.06] KAY TSE HAS NO TEMPER

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Kay Tse On Kay recently worked on the Heramn Yau Lai To directed film SPLIT SECOND MURDERS (SEI SUN SOR LIU), in which she and Andy Hui Chi On played a couple. Although they had some arguments, her sister Stephanie Cheng Yung and Fama's Mr. C seemed to be in a perfect marriage but actually had hidden feeling. Kay expressed that she and On Jai had chemistry and before the shoot she already understood how a couple got along. Did she and husband Louis Cheung Kai Chung had disagreement? She said, "Honestly, from dating to now we never argued once. I never once over something became enraged. I think my personality is good." Would Kay fight to the end at an argument? She expressed that she would not. Actually very little made her angry. Even when she had an opinion she would rather they cool down first. She said, "I am very forgetful. Even over something that I am very mad or upset about, I would very quickly forget it."

Kay expressed that the most memorable scene was the argument between On Jai, Cheng Yung and Mr. C during a hot pot casserole meal. She even had to slap On Jai. She said, "Because I didn't know how to adjust, when I slap I felt somewhat sorry." Kay pointed out that in one scene she had to cry in a bathroom. She said, "During the shoot the director gave me two interpretations. Originally I wanted to cry while hitting myself, but after trying that I felt crying with a lowered head would hurt a lot. The result was great. The funniest part was the director was so attentive that on many occasions they would personally perform once for the actors." Was Kay someone who cried easily? She said, "Very rarely, aside from tears of joy even when someone yelled at me out of rage or say something demeaning to me, I was fine. I would only say the person was a jerk."

Yau Lai To expressed that this was the first collaboration for many actors like Chrissie Chau Sau Na, William Chan Wai Ting, and Cheng Yung. Earlier report claimed that SPLIT was very close to 7 TO ONE PLAY BIG. Yau Lai To only said that he did not want to discuss gossip much and he has never seen 7. Yau Lai To praised the group of new actor's professionalism. When asked about Chau Sau Na's performance, he said that Chau Sau Na rarely talked. She did not feel like other actors but she was very serious too. Earlier Chau Sau Na's salary was rumored to be very high. He only said that he did not and to ask the film company. He also said that he did not feel Wylie Chiu Shek Chi was arrogant and disruptive with other actors as reported. His earlier film TURNING POINT (LAUGHING GOR ji BIN JIT) had decent response. He revealed that he will make several movies. He also planned to make a movie about a master female singer, a biography. For now he could only reveal that the singer was still alive.

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