9 in 2009 Update!

Back in January 2009 I set a list of 9 goals for the year, all film related. As 9 months of the year have now past, what better time to check in and see how things are going. Of course I like to do this with enough time to check in before it's too late to still work on them. I'm currently at 4 done out of the 9 selections, and very surprized that "review more 2009 release in 2009 than 2008 films in 2008" is one that is already done! I'm sure that I will see and review more 2009 films but it feels awesome to be already ahead in comparison to last year. Seeing films at festivals really makes a difference for this one, a lot of the films reviewed were seen this way. I think it will be a closer call to see more 2009 films this year (67 so far) than 2008 films in 2008 (92) - that's 25 more films in 3 months, theatrically. That's a lot. Totally doable, but a lot.

I am shocked at how little progress I've made on List, watch and return all unseen film I've borrowed or own. It's been 9 months and I've only watched 5 out of the 18, and I've acquired more films. Shocking! But, I'll keep this one close in mind and if I can get 1 in a week, I should be good. It is possible!

The only one that looks like it isn't going to happen is getting to a festival outside of Toronto. Not impossible, but so far doesn't look promising.

But, one thing that wasn't really planned or on the list but was previously floating around on paper and in my head was to have more re-occurring columns and I've done that with New Moon Mondays for all us Twi and vamp lovers out there. In the same vein are various marathons including the Countdown to Star Trek, Harry Potter Countdown and current vampalicous Vampathon. I love marathons, countdowns and lists - they are such a great way to revisit and discover fantastic films.

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