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Kwai Lun-Mei in the film OCEAN HEAVEN appeared in a clown costume. She said that after turning into a clown she had a hard time identifying herself as well, as she joked that she looked more like Ronald McDonald than herself. In the past Kwai Lun-Mei has always walked the innocent student route. This time she was willing to "make the sacrifice" completely due to how deeply touching the script was. Kwai Lun-Mei pointed out that the director Xue Xiaolu volunteered at an autistic school for over ten years. The script was his real personal experience and was the most touching in her career. At the time she already stated to her company that she had to perform it, neither the role nor the costume would be important. She would only like everyone to pay attention to these children.

In the film the Jet Li (Lee Nin Kit) played aquarium worker Wang Xincheng had an autistic son Wen Zhang. Wen Zhang often played at the aquarium and ran into Kwai Lun-Mei, a clown in the circus that was performing at the aquarium. They developed an intricate and touching relationship as Kwai Lun-Mei became the autistic son's only friend. Kwai Lun-Mei not only had to dress like a clown but also had to learn to juggle. When she first met the director she had to learn to juggle already. In the weeks that followed she kept practicing at home and
could juggle three balls over ten times. Yet during the shoot she constantly had bad takes and it was not easy at all; in the end Kwai Lun-Mei was able to do it.

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