Rose Chan Ka Hung, Ip Chun, To Yu Hang

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To Yu Hung, Tony Wong Yuk Long
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To Yu Hang, Rose Chan Ka Hung, Sin Kwok Lam, Ip Chun and Tony Wong Yuk Long yesterday attended a THE LEGEND IS BORN IP MAN (IP MAN CHIN JUEN) press conference. THE LEGEND IS BORN IP MAN will publish a comic book. Wong Yuk Long announced that the first issue cover sold for 100,000, the proceeds will be donated to UNICEF for Qinghai earthquake relief.

The film will be released at the end of June, clashing with the World Cup. Was To Yu Hang worried about its effect on the box office? He said that he was not because he too was a soccer fan. Good movies would not be affected too much. He said that he was not afraid of comparison with the Donnie Yen Chi Tan starred IP MAN because he played Ip Man from age 18 to 28, while Chi Tan played him from age 40 to 50. Earlier when Yuen Biao promoted THE LEGEND IS BORN IP MAN, he said that the Chi Tan starred IP MAN 2 had a lot of special effects. Yu Hang said that he had some reservations about that and that Chi Tan personally performed the action, which was very pretty. Did he feel Chi Tan used very little Wing Chun? He expressed that not fewer, but more basic Wing Chun style. Some pointed out that his THE LEGEND IS BORN IP MAN sold real kung fu? He honestly admitted that it had more styles. Was the film more authentic? He said, "Yes, actually (Louis) Fan Siu Wong spent half a year to study Wing Chun, I have studied it for eight years. During the shoot I was injured too."

To Yu Hang expressed that many friends said he looked like Yen Chi Tan. He said, "From certain angles." Who would win if he fought with "the strongest in the universe" Chi Tan? He said, "I don't know because in reality we never fought." Yu Hang was a world champion as well. Would he spar with Chi Tan? He laughed and said that he did not know.

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