TADFF 2010: Selections from Intro and Q&A of The Last Lovecraft

The following video clips are from the screening of The Last Lovecraft on Friday August 13, 2010 at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival. See my review of The Last Lovecraft here.

Before the screening Toronto After Dark Film Festival director & founder Adam Lopez introduces The Last Lovecraft writer/actor/producer Devin McGinn:

After the screening festival director & founder Adam Lopez introduces The Last Lovecraft writer/actor/producer Devin McGinn, director Henry Saine, actors Kyle Davis, Edmund Lupinski, Martin Starr and executive producer Mike McGinn:

Henry Saine & Devin McGinn of The Last Lovecraft respond to audience question on a possible sequel:

Devin McGinn and Henry Saine of The Last Lovecraft respond to audience question on what would they like to have included by couldn't:

Devin McGinn and Henry Saine of The Last Lovecraft respond to question of the challenges of making the film:

The Last Lovecraft actors Martin Starr and Edmund Lupinski respond to questions on challenges of fight scenes:

The Last Lovecraft cast & crew share what they are working on next:

Devin McGinn, Henry Saine and actor Martin Starr respond to their reaction on the Toronto After Dark audience:

The Toronto After Dark Film Festival 2010 runs from August 13 - 20, 2010 at the Bloor Cinema, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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