Ge You, Carina Lau Ka Ling, Jiang Wen

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LET THE BULLETS FLY will be released next January in Hong Kong and mid December in the Mainland. Yesterday a large scale media interview was held in Beijing. Chow Yun Fat could not attend but Jiang Wen who originally could not make the event finally made it. Lead actress Carina Lau Ka Ling appeared in black. This time Ka Ling played a woman with two men in the film and had embrace scenes with both Ge You and Jiang wen. What was the difference between them? Ka Ling said that she was very happy because both men were very excellent. She honestly said that during the shoot she spent everyday laughing, whether on the set or off. She also admired Jiang Wen a lot. From his film she saw his feeling toward life. His dialogues were simple but hid different messages, which she savored for a long time.

Ge You agreed with what Ka Ling said and also admired Jiang Wen a lot. Has Lord Ge thought about directing? He certainly said, "No, it's too tiring! I don't have enough energy."

How did Ka Ling see Jiang Wen? She respected the director very much. Whatever he said she listened to and never had any opinion. In one scene they had close physical contact, the gesture was very interesting. She never imagined such a simple gesture could explain their intricate
relationship. The director was truly too amazing. Ka Ling was asked the difference between Best Actors Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Ge You. Ka Ling said that Ge You's range was wider and could almost play any character in any film. Wai Jai's roles were more mainstream and serious. They each had their different and unique places, both were Best Actors.

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