UPDATE: The Reporter now has fuller numbers, and even better news for Fox. RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES looks to be headed for an $18M Friday, which should mean a $45M+ weekend, meeting and even exceeding expectations. The picture is skewing older than the usual tentpole, which combined with good word-of-mouth could mean strong legs throughout August.
No such luck for Universal, whose THE CHANGE-UP is only around $4.5M on Friday. It could wind up in the $13-15M neighborhood, the first loser among the summer's R-rated comedies.
Among holdovers, THE SMURFS may decline about 50% from its $36M opening, while COWBOYS & ALIENS--inflicting more pain on Universal--could tumble more like 60% to around $14M.
Watch for Mitch Metcalf's full Friday numbers and analysis later this morning, and stay with SHOWBUZZDAILY all weekend for updated boxoffice reports.

Meanwhile, THE CHANGE-UP looks to be seriously underperforming, with only $4-6M on Friday for what might be a sub-$15M weekend.
See Mitch Metcalf's weekend predictions for the lowdown on what's expected from the new openings, and stay with SHOWBUZZDAILY all weekend for full updated numbers and analysis.
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