Book to Film Club August 2011 Film: The Help


Well it feels like we were just talking about the book The Help by Kathryn Stockett, and we were! It was the July 2011 Book Selection and now just a few short weeks later the film is in release. The book & film are set in Mississippi during the early 1960s the centred on courageous women, trying circumstances and complicated situation and relationships between lives of African American maids and the their experiences and challenges working in white households. The film stars Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Emma Stone, Jessica Chastain, Bryce Dallas Howard & Allison Janney; Directed by Tate Taylor (Pretty Ugly People). The film opened 2 days early with a mid-week Wednesday release. I caught it on Friday and I'm still sorting out my own thoughts on it, although it was good I didn't feel it to be as powerful as the book.

Here are some things to ponder when thinking, writing and/or journaling about the film:
  • Did you enjoy the film?
  • Was the film what you expected from reading the book?
  • How did you feel about the tone of the film?
  • Did you feel that the captured the time period and issues well?
  • How did you feel about the casting? Were the characters what you expected?
  • Were there characters, moments or ideas you liked better in the book? If so, what were they?
  • What was your favourite thing about the book?
  • Were there characters, moments or ideas you liked better in the film? If so, what were they?
  • What was your favourite thing about the film?
  • Was there anything you understood more after seeing the film?
  • Was there anything you felt was missing from the film?
  • Did the film capture the spirit of the book?
  • Who would you recommend the book to?
  • Who would you recommend the film too?
  • Are you happy you read the book before seeing the film?
  • Would you recommend people read the book before seeing the film?
  • What was the impact of reading the book before seeing the film?
The Help Film Reviews by Book to Film Clubbers:

It's never to late to join the Book to Film Club! We are currently reading The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas and will next be watching One Day out in theatres August 19, 2011. Sign up for updates here.

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