It was ABC's turn for some post-preemption malaise.

FOX: X FACTOR didn't return to its pre-baseball level, but it's stabilized at a 3.8 that was easily good enough to win the night.
CBS: Without the CMA Awards as competition, all the network's shows were up, especially CRIMINAL MINDS, which had a nice 0.3 bump from last week.
NBC: Is there an emoticon for "Oy"? UP ALL NIGHT was up a tick but still under a 2, while SVU's 1.9 was below last year's average of Law & Order: LA--which, as you'll recall, was cancelled. Worst of all was HARRY'S LAW, which managed to hit a season low 1.1. (Soon to be a star of your post-football Sunday night programming!)
CW: AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL was steady at 0.8.
Tonight's big event will be a heavily-promoted 2-hour "intervention" episode of PRIVATE PRACTICE on ABC.
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