The Sked: WEDNESDAY RATINGS November 16 & Sweep Update

Three weeks into the November sweep, FOX remains in first place, holding on to a 20% increase over last November.  CBS is up 9%, ABC down 2%, and NBC even with last November in fourth place.  FOX won the third Wednesday of the sweep by a mile, up 73% over the same night last year.  ABC (up 21%) and CBS (up 3%) were very close in second and third place, just above a 3 rating.  NBC, typical for a non-Sunday night, was down 19% versus the same night last year, well below a 2 rating, in a distant fourth place.  Program detail available by clicking "read more".

          2011 vs 2010 Day 21

                 2011    2010
          FOX     3.8     2.2     +73%
          ABC     3.3     2.7     +21% 
          CBS     3.2     3.1     + 3%

          NBC     1.6     1.9     -19% 

          2011 vs 2010 Through Day 21 of 28

                 2011    2010
          FOX     3.4     2.8     +20%
          CBS     2.9     2.7     + 9%
          ABC     2.5     2.5     - 2%
          NBC     2.4     2.4     + 0%

ABC's Wednesday schedule returned after a week off for the Country Music Awards at just okay levels compared to the last few weeks.  The Wednesday schedule had built a very good head of steam by November 2, but most ABC shows returned at levels similar to those in early- to mid-October.  Nonetheless, last night's schedule delivered time period improvements in each half hour compared to November 17, 2010.  The Middle is up one tenth of a rating point over its performance on the same night last year, while Suburgatory is well above the 2.5 posted by Better with You at 8:30.  Modern Family at a preliminary 5.5 last night is far ahead of the 4.8 it scored last year on this night.  Although not as dramatic an improvement, Happy Endings (3.2) is still pacing ahead of last year's Cougar Town (3.0 at 9:30).  The big year-to-year win came at 10 pm with Revenge (a relatively disappointing 2.6 compared to the last original) still towering above the 1.5 from the People Magazine special.

ABC Wed     9.21  9.28  10.5  10.12 10.19 10.26 11.2  11.9  11.16
The Middle  3.1   2.7   2.8   2.9   3.0   3.2   3.0   ---   2.9*
Suburgatory  --   3.3   3.1   3.1   3.1   3.4   3.1   ---   2.8*
Modern Fami 6.1   5.7   5.7   5.9   5.6   4.5R  5.7   ---   5.5*
Happy Ending --   3.1   2.8   3.2   3.0   3.5   3.4   ---   3.2* 
Revenge     3.4   2.7   2.4   2.7   2.5   2.7   3.0   ---   2.6*

FOX probably wanted The X Factor to bounce back from last week (competing against the CMAs) a little more, but the 3.8 rating (and likely a 3.9 in the official nationals) still won the night handily and vastly improved last year's numbers: Human Target (1.8) and Hell's Kitchen (2.6).

FOX Wed     9.21  9.28  10.5  10.12 10.18 10.25 11.2  11.9  11.16
X Factor    4.4   4.1   4.1   ---   3.9   4.4   4.0   3.8   3.8*
                                    Tue   Tue

CBS Wednesday programs were up over last week to fairly typical levels for this season.  Compared to last year, 8-10 pm is down slightly (Survivor 3.3 last night versus 3.5 this night last year and Criminal Minds 3.7 last night versus 3.8 last year), but the night is more than saved by CSI at 10 pm (2.6), compared to the unwatched Defenders (1.9).

CBS Wed     9.21  9.28  10.5  10.12 10.19 10.26 11.2  11.9  11.16
Survivor    3.2   3.2   3.1   3.2   3.3   3.5   3.6   3.2   3.3*
Criminal Mi 4.1   3.6   3.8   3.8   3.9   2.8R  3.7   3.4   3.7*
CSI         3.2   3.1   2.9   2.6   2.6   2.0R  2.7   2.5   2.6*

Another woeful Wednesday on NBC.  In the kind-of-sort-of-maybe-well-not-really good news department, Up All Night's near season-low (1.9) improved the time period over last year (a 1.5 for the 8:00-8:30 portion of a Dateline special).  And at 10 pm, L&O SVU fought to hold the same number posted last year by the now-canceled L&O Los Angeles.  But any tiny progress or treading of water was obliterated by Harry Korn, Esquire at 9 pm -- Harry's Law at a 1.1 is about half what L&O SVU did at 9 pm on this night last year (2.1).   

NBC Wed     9.21  9.28  10.5  10.12 10.19 10.26 11.2  11.9  11.16
Up All Nigh 2.4   2.1   2.3   2.1   2.1   1.1R  1.8   1.8   1.9*
Free Agents 1.3   1.0   1.0   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
Harry's Law 1.2   1.2   1.2   1.2   1.3   0.8R  1.1   1.3   1.1*
L&O SVU     2.4   2.1   2.1   2.1   2.2   ---   2.0   1.9   1.9*


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