This isn't the way Flex Time was supposed to work.

CBS: As the network to win the Brady vs. Tebow sweepstakes, CBS got a massive 7PM overrun, which pushed 60 Minutes up (no, those huge numbers weren't deeply committed Meryl Streep fans). Even with that push, as the night wore on, it appears (subject to final ratings adjustment) that the SURVIVOR finale and reunion were down from last year.
FOX: ALLEN GREGORY finished its ignominious run by barely holding on to two-thirds of a SIMPSONS repeat number.
ABC: The network's best hour was a moderate 1.5 for AMERICA'S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS. ONCE UPON A TIME continued not to repeat well with a 1.2, and then America had little interest in another run of SANTA CLAUSE 3, which did a Grinchy 1.3.
Tonight's "event" is the 2-hour season finale of TERRA NOVA, which has a fair chance of also being its series finale. NBC will launch a short run of the game show WHO'S STILL STANDING, and then proudly continue its run of FEAR FACTOR. Little that's new on the other networks.
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