Time to take a look at a selection of DVD releases for Tuesday January 31, 2012! Pretty light day for releases, but what we don't have in volume we have in awesome & fun.
- Drive This film by Nicolas Winding Refn (Valhalla Rising, The Pusher Trilogy) starring Ryan Gosling was not only of the the Best of 2011, one of my Faves of 2011, one of the best movie experiences of the year for me, and was also one of the few films where I absolutely adored, and understood, each and every moment in it. I highly recommend it.
- 2 Headed Shark Attack Really fun B-Movie following college kids on a summer course at sea, when they stumble on... you guessed it...a 2-Headed Shark!
- The Thing This prequel to the 1982 version of The Thing ended up being one of the happy surprizes of 2011 as it was a solid horror flick that paid loving hommage to the Carperter version, but still held it's own. Definitely worth checking out.
- Dream House Daniel Craig & Rachel Weisz star in this supernatural horror film about a family whose dream home appears to have more history that meets the eye. I thankfully got to see it before seeing any of the trailers, which show way too much!
- Breakaway aka Speedy Singhs, Canadian hockey comedy following an all-Sikh hockey team as it walks the comedic balance of appeasing family wishes, community spirit and following your own heart...yep, that's always going to get me (not currently available on Amazon.com).
- The Double Richard Gere, Topher Grace and Martin Sheen star in this international espionage crime/mystery which is a feature film directorial debut from Michael Brandt.
- In Time This science fiction film where time is currency was sadly one of the big disappointments of 2011, especially as it was from Gattaca director Andrew Niccol. I did think Justin Timberlake continues to impress as an actor and Alex Pettyfer was impressive as a thug, but I found it overall pretty confusing. I would totally check out the DVD if it has a directors commentary though, as while watching I totally could feel the great idea in there but it kept going way off course.
- Blubberlla I can't help but be curious about this film from director Uwe Boll starring Lindsay Hollister, Brendan Fletcher and Michael Paré; I probably should resist...but I don't know if I will be able to (not currently available on Amazon.com).
- This is Not A Film Oddly noted as Ceci n'est pas un film, or perhaps not so odd as it's classification of being a film or not, a documentary or not, centred on Iranian director Jafar Panahi as he awaits in jail for a verdict on his appeal (not currently available on amazon.com).
- Thunder Soul Music documentary on funk - and really, how much more do you need to know?
Titles on Amazon.com
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