Yesterday a reported exposed that Miriam Yeung Chin Wa and Gary Ting Chi Ko, Andy Lau Tak Wa and Chu Lai Sin were married in Las Vegas in August this year and June last year respectively, leaving the entire city in a state of shock. Then East Asia boss Peter Lam Kin Ngok hinted that aside from Wa Jai and Chin Wa, another artist was already married as well. Upon the press' investigation, the person was revealed to be Leon Lai Ming. He and Gaile Lok were already married last March.

Las Vegas has always been an artist wedding hot spot because they can avoid Hong Kong paparazzi, but their marriage records are available online at the Clark County, Nevada site. Thus Yeung Chin Wa and Ting Chi Ko were exposed to be married on August 11, registered as "Yeung Chin Wah Miriam" and "Ting Ho Lam Gary" (Ting Chi Ko's original name). At the same time Lau Tak Wa and Chu Lai Sin were discovered to have wed on June 23 2008 as "Lau Tak Wah Andy" and "Choo Lay Keng".

Since his artists were married, boss Lam Kin Ngok immediately became the press target. Yet Young Master Ngok gave an even more surprising answer to the reporters. He responded through his assistant that aside from Wa Jai and Chin Wa, the company also has another artist who is already married. He even joked, "I hope they can make one wedding ceremony, then everyone don't have to waste so much time and spend so much on wedding gifts. Haha, they are all joyous events. Everyone in the company are happy for them."

After investigation, the third couple turned out to be Lai Ming and Gaile Lok. They wed in Las Vegas on March 9 2008 as Leon Lai Ming and Lai Gia. The information revealed that they notified the office on March 7.

Since the revelation, Lai Ming's company so far has not responded. Yeung Chin Wa will respond personally at today's Sun Project event. Lau Tak Wa who promised in the past that he definitely will notify everyone when he wed yesterday apologized to his fans on his blog. "Sorry. I am ashamed that I can't keep my promise to tell everyone and make things difficult for my family, friends and friends in the media, sorry......Since I am at work, I can't tell you everything right away. I will clarify to you later."

Later Wa Jai made a "late honesty" post. "Actually I have always wanted children, and getting older is inevitable; at the doctor's suggestion, the chance for success is higher with medical science. So fine, I followed suit! Yet last year Hong Kong changed its laws and required couple registration for a Hong Kong doctor to conduct the process, otherwise the doctor will face legal responsibility. I thought and thought some more, finally I decided to register in the U.S. with her, then I can stay in Hong Kong for the process; yet I was afraid that after the announcement the press will chase her endlessly, so I made a selfish decision. I thought that if all went well, when the pregnancy was stable then I would tell everyone. However the matter got more and more complicated. Because I didn't correctly handle it I made things difficult for everyone. I am truly sorry! This is the end of the matter, I said it. Although I am late and already was wrong first with not keeping the promise, but you have the most right to know first, sorry......"

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