TIFF'09 Lottery: Box 48!

Box 48 drawn for the beginning of the advance order process.

At the lottery there were 54 numbers entered into the draw.

Donor boxes are processed first, then box 48 will be processed, then boxes 49 --> 54, then 1 -->47. *

And FYI they do put in all the numbers from 1 - 54 but I didn't think people would have the patience to watch all of that!

Total number of boxes is down from 78 in 2008. One volunteered mentioned that they could be using larger boxes. I'm curious if more people decided to become donors whose boxes are processed ahead of the advance order process.

What happens next? We wait. When orders are processed you are suppose to receive and email on the results of your order. In the past you have also been able to check online once your order has been processed. Package pick up and ticket exchange begins Thursday September 3, 2009 at 7am at the Festival Box Office. This is usually the longest line of the year for advance order process, although last year they separated out the 'pick up only' from the 'pick up and exchange' which made pick up only pretty smooth. Every year there are little changes, so it's hard to tell. This year it is a regular work day not labour day so turn out could be a lot smaller - there is no way to tell! Prep for the worst and hope for the best is what I say - comfy shoes, food & water, a good book and always be nice to your line mates! You never know who you will meet in TIFF lines!

I was in Box 16 and feeling pretty good about it!


Festival Box Office Hours - Nathan Phillips Square, white tent on West Side *
100 Queen Street West
June 1 to September 2, 2009: 10:00am to 7:00pm
September 3 to 18, 2009: 7:00am to 7:00pm
September 19, 2009: 7:00am to 5:00pm

Important Dates *
Thursday Sept 3, 2009 at 7am - Ticket package pick up and ticket exchange begins
Friday Sept 4, 2009 - single tickets go on sale
Thursday Sept 10, 2009 - TIFF begins

As always, check the official TIFF'09 site for all information on policies, procedures and up to date information.

Quite the crowd - were you there?

I was in Box 16 and feeling pretty good about it!

The TIFF site indicated: "Box 48 was selected in the lottery draw as the first box to be processed for the public Advance Order Procedure. There were 56 boxes in the draw." has been revised to 54 boxes. Thanks Richard!

The Toronto International Film Festival runs from September 10 - 19, 2009 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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