Upcoming Films: Thrillers, Creatures & More!


One film that appeared out of nowhere and is now everywhere is Legion. Not only has the poster arrived everywhere (above) but the Trailer is being shown in front of a fair amount of films out there. The film has an interesting cast starting with Paul Bettany as well as Dennis Quaid, Lucas Black, Kevin Durand and Tyrese Gibson in this angels on earth supernational action flick during a biblical apocolypse. Directed by Scott Stewart (Priest) and set to be released January 22, 2010.

Sticking with the creature theme, trailers for both The Wolfman and Avatar has arrived and both have generated mixed opinions. The Wolfman trailer seems to have a generally positive response, but I'm not holding my breath just yet - it looks fairly Sleepy Hollow-esque and the released date has been pushed back again so we are looking at waiting until Feb 12, 2010 to see Mr. Del Toro as the Wolf. Sounds like a perfect Valentine's, no? New creatures are unveiled with the Avatar trailer and overall reaction is that people were expecting to see something completely unlike anything they had before and ended up, not so much. This feels like a double edged sword considering there has been so much secrecy about the film until now. On top of the trailer they showed selections from the film in IMAX 3D. Be interesting to hear what it was like in that format before it hits the screens in December 2009. For more info check out the Avatar and The Wolfman official film sites.

For those who just can't wait that long for a thrill ride, in just a few weeks we will be treated to Whiteout, an Antarctica set crime thriller starring Kate Beckinsdale. The trailer looks promising for some good fun, and it will be released Sept 11, 2009 - oh, man... that is during TIFF! Speaking of TIFF, if you don't get a chance to see Ong Bak 2: The Beginning which is part of the Midnight Madness program this year, you will still have a chance to see this sequel to Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior as it is hitting theatres October 23, 2009. Check out the trailer to get a sneak peek of Tony Jaa kicking butt!

Anticipation has been building for Christopher Nolan's upcoming project Inception ever since it was announced and now we finally have a teaser trailer to get a taste of the film which is an action/sci-fi/thriller that will be released July 16, 2010. Looking forward to seeing more on this one, it looks very intriguing.

Last but not least if the horror/thriller Sorority Row, which first off I thought "Wow, that looks like an interesting spin - nice to see something original". Hold the phone, it's actually a remake of the 1983 House on Sorority Row. Le sigh. But, still shows promise but that is from the perspective of only watching the first half of the trailer, I keep looking away as it feels like it shows too much. It shares a September 11. 2009 release date with Whiteout - what to pick, Sorority Sisters prank gone wrong or Kate Beckinsdale in Antarctica? Hmm.... what a conundrum.

Check out the lists of 2009 and 2010 to see more upcoming releases.


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