On the Eve of TIFF Package Pick Up

Tomorrow is what I like to call the first line up at TIFF day. Those of us who have purchased packages head down to the Festival Box Office (this year it's the white tent at Nathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen Street West) with our trusty vouchers and/or email confirmations and hand those in for the what we are really after: The Film Schedule. If you are an oldschooler like me, you also want the Program Guide with all those snazzy colour pictures, organized by program and with zillions of indexes in the back.

This year we are getting the schedule almost to the day the same time as last year, but with the festival being later in the year it feels really early to be working through selections. One huge change this year is was have almost a week to make our selections instead of a few short days of frantic organizing. I know many people have traditions of how they make their selections and organize their time - I would love to hear yours! Mine includes graph paper, lined paper, the program book, a clear workspace and not answering the phone until I'm done. You can hand in your selections as soon as you pick up the booklet or at the very latest on Monday August 31, 2009 at 1pm.

Considerations for scheduling:

  • If you really want excited about a Q&A and seeing folks involved in the film, check out the guest list to see who is coming and your best bet is to go to the first screenings. I learned this one the hard way - I had no idea Wong Kar-Wai and Jimmy Page would be at the festival and I am still kicking myself!
  • Plan extra time if planning on staying for Q&A's. See guest list for help on if there will be a Q&A
  • Note if you have to travel from one theatre to another. Some are close to each other. Some are not.
  • Eating is good. If you are going back to back all day make sure there is time to sustain yourself, although popcorn for dinner can be fun it's too long a festival not to get real food now & again.
  • Know your pace - if you can do 5 films a day, go for it. If you fall asleep after 3, only book 3.
  • The subway does not start running until around 9:00 am on Sunday mornings so if taking transit check out alternate routes via streetcar, cabs, your own two feet, etc. See TTC site for more info.
  • Double check your order before handing it in. Filling out the forms is an intricate process. Make sure you read all the instructions and follow them to the tee.
Are you mystified by the whole ticket selection/drop off/pick up process? Help is near. Head on over to TIFF Talk for a fantastic step by step explanation: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Important Dates

Tuesday August 26, 2009 (Tomorrow), 10am Ticket package order pick up & drop off begins
Monday August 31, 2009 by 1pm Ticket package drop off deadline
Thursday Sept 3, 2009 at 7am - Ticket package pick up and ticket exchange begins
Friday Sept 4, 2009 - single tickets go on sale
Thursday Sept 10, 2009 - TIFF begins

The Toronto International Film Festival runs from September 10 - 19, 2009 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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