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After 10 years in the business, Karena Lam Ka Yun has made mostly modern drama and never any costume film. Lately Ka Yun worked on her first costume film DON QUIXOTE, the production of which is heating up in Beijing. Her costume has also been unveiled. Behind all the beauty, her hair was high and heavy. Her neck hurt from it. While shooting in Beijing, Ka Yun also ran into the earliest snow in 22 years. To avoid hindering production, she could only keep going!

Filmko's 70 million RMB, the nation's first 100 minute full 3D comedy DON QUIXOTE is heating up in production. Female lead Lam Ka Yun also has been working nonstop. Ka Yun expressed that this was her first costume film and now she realizes how difficult working in costume was.
In one wedding scene, the director asked for her hair to be the size of a 3 tier cake. The hair was so heavy that her neck could not support it at all.

The director is Mainland' A Gan, the cast included Guo Tao, Liu Ye and Lam Ka Yun. Because it is a costume comedy, some of Ka Yun's costumes were more exaggerated. Some hairstyle realized a mixture of real hair and wire to be extra heavy and high. After make up Ka Yun
always had to bend down to enter the vehicle. Ka Yun sighed, "This wig weights more than a watermelon and thus added to the burden on my neck. This is my first costume look, sometimes when I look into the mirror I am a little not used to it." Although it was very tough, Ka Yun expressed that it was very fresh.

Aside from the hair, Ka Yun expressed that earlier she ran into Beijing's earliest snow in 22 years. She said, "Because the costume was flimsy, although my assistant filled my costume with heat pads I could only tough it out without them during the shoot for better result and for
the costume to look not so swollen." Ka Yun expressed that she was honored to participate in China's first 100 minute all 3D film. She thought it was wonderful and exciting. Although every time a change of camera location took twice as long as ordinary film and she could not help
but be frustrated, she thought of this production as a breakthrough and relaxed. Ka Yun will stay for several months. To avoid eating greasy and fatty food outside, Ka Yun already brought oatmeal, soap pack and instant noodle to cook.

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