

Dir: Scott Stewart - feature film directorial debut
Cast: Paul Bettany, Dennis Quaid, Adrianne Palicki, Lucas Black, Kevin Durand, Tyrese Gibson, Kate Walsh, Willa Holland, Jon Tenney
USA, 2010

Seen: January 25, 2010

Reason to see: Apocalyptic, Paul Bettany, Angels... I'm there

Legion placed #8 on my list of Most Anticipated Films of the Year, which is quite a feat for a January release which is often full of not the best horror films and festival/awards spill over from the year before which made it all the more fun to trek out to the theatre and be genuinely excited about what I was about to see.

I didn't know a lot about the story going in other than that it had angels, action, inferences to an upcoming apocalypse, probably a prophecy and starred Paul Bettany and all of that sounded great to me! Although I could easily sit here and pick apart the film, especially when it comes to images or ideas that very familiar from other films, that doesn't change the fact that it was really fun to watch. In fact, it's a great film to mull over afterwards because you can pull the parallels to other films but it also raises several of it's own questions and ideas.

I do wish Legion had focused a little more on character development, although several of the actors brought a lot more to their characters than I would have expected. In particular, Tyrese Gibson does a great job throughout the film giving us a something different that I would have expected. But when it comes to characters, Paul Bettany as the angel Michael is the heart of the film bringing us strength, courage and defiance - a temperamental trio that is bold and brewing.

In terms of supernatural/religious based thrilled, it's not up to the level of Constantine being more action centric and not as unique in it's art direction, but it's still a fun ride and one I know I'd be happy to see again and again.

Shannon's Overall View:
I enjoyed it
I'll buy it
I'd recommend it as a fun action film of the supernatural flavour

15 minutes of preshow including 3 commercials and 5 previews: Season of the Witch, Kick-Ass, Hot Tub Time Machine, Death at a Funeral (2010) and Takers

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© Shannon Ridler, 2010

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